Mr. Chips 
James Hilton
Board-marks distribution

Short Answers              =16
Synonyms              = 4
Total Marks                        =20

Prepared By
NAME : -------------------------------------------
Chapter #: 01
1.      What did Mr. Chips do after the last bell of Brookfield?
a.       He used to wind up the clock, put the wire guard in front of the fire, turned out the gas and carried a detective novel to bed after the last bell of Brookfield.
2.      Who was the doctor of Chips? What did he say about Chips’ health?
a.       Merivale was Chips’ doctor. He believed that Mr. Chips was fitter than he and was quuite safe from the dangerous diseases.
3.      Where did Mr. Chips teach before joining  Brookfield? Why was he not successful there?
a.       Mr. Chips taught in Melbury School before joining  Brookfield. He had been ragged a deal there because discipline was not his strong point them.
4.      Who was Mr. Wetherby ? OR What do you know about Mr. Wetherby ?
a.       Mr. Wetherby was a kind old man. He was the Headmaster of Brookfield when Mr. Chips joined in 1870. He advised Mr. Chips to keep discipline at the time of his first interview.
5.      What advice did Mr. Wetherby give to Mr. Chips ?
a.       He advised Mr. Chips to take up firm attitude towards discipline. He fuether advised him not to allow anybody to play tricks.
6.      Who was the first boy punished by Mr. Chips at Brookfield? What was the punishment?
a.       Colley was the first boy punished by Mr. Chips at Brookfield. He pnished him by giving him hundred lines.
7.      What did Chips face during his first class at Brookfield?
a.       It was September in 1870. Big hall was full of lusty barbarian boys ready to pounce upon their prey. He was at the merey of five hundred ruffians. They pretended to be very decent when alone but as a mob they were just pitiless.
Chapter #: 02
8.      Where was Brookfield situated ?
a.       Brookield was situated behind a rampart of elm trees. It looked russet under autumn mantle of creepers.
9.      What kind of school was Brookfield Public School ?
a.       Brookfield Public School was an old grammaar school established in 16th century during the reign of Elizabeth. It was a good school, but of a second rank.
10.  When was Mr. Chips retired ? What was presented to him at the time of retirement?
a.       Mr. Chips retired at the age of sixty-five in 1913. He was presented with a cheque, a clock and a writing desk.
11.  What kind of job or work did the Greduates of Brookfield public school ?
a.       Brookfield public school supplic judges, Member of Parliament, colonial administrator, manufacturers, squires and parsons.
12.  When was Brookfield public school founded ? Why could it not become as famous as Harro ?
a.       Brookfield public school was founded in the reign of Elizabeth. There had rise and fall in its luck, terefore, it could not become as famous as Harrow.

Chapter #: 03
13.  Write a short note on the place where Mr. Chips lived after his retirement? OR Where did Mr. Chips live?
a.       The house was ugly and pretentious but it was comfortable.
14.  What was Ms. Wickett’s duty at Brookfield ?
a.       She was the incharge of the linen room at Brookfield.
15.  What did Ms. Chips serve to the new boy of Brookfield ?
a.       He used to serve the boys with walnut-cake and tea. In the winter season, he served them crumpets too.
16.  What was the condition of Mr. Chips rented room at Mr. Wicketts house ?
a.       His small room was simply furnished with the school masterly taste. There were a few bookshelves, sporting trophies. Turkey carpet, big easy chairs and the pictures of the Acroplis and the Forum.
17.  What was the appearance of Mr. Wickett’s house ?
a.       It was a small but very comfortable sunny room. The house was ugly and pretentious.
18.  How did Mr. Chips spend his time after his retirement ?
a.       He enjoyed peaceful enjoyments of reading, talking, remembering, drinking, receiving visitors, correcting the next edition of the Brookfield directory, and writing his occasional letters.
Chapter #: 04
19.  Where and when did Mr. Chips come across Katherine Bridges, his future wife ?
a.       In 1896, Chips wentto Lake District to spend his summer vacation. He met Katherine Bridges at the Lake District.
20.  Describe the first meeting between Chips and Katherine. OR  Which is the most intresting incident of the novel ?
a.       While climbing up on the Great Gable one day, he noticed a girl waving excitedly from a dangerous looking rock.Thinking her to be in difficulties, he hurried to help her. But in doing so he slipped and wrenced his ankle.
21.  What were Chips’ view about women ?
a.       He blieved that nice women were weak, timid and delicate.
Chapter #: 05
22.  Why was Katherine glad that Mr. Chips was a school master ?
a.       She thought school mastering was so different to be influencing those who would grow up and matter to the world. She liked the teaching profession.
23.  When Mr. Chips was leaving Katherine the night before they were married together, how did she tease him ?
a.       She asked Mr. Chips if she would call him Sir or Mr. Chips. She said to him that she was feeling like a school boy beginning his new term with Chips. Then she said, “Good-bye Mr. Chips”.
24.  What type of teacher was Mr. Chips ?
a.       He was friendly and fatherly towards his students. He was very friendly with other teachers. He was very popular among teachers and students. He was famous for his jokes.
25.  What honest confessions did Mr. Chips make to Katherine before he married her ?
a.       He told her in detail about his ordinary degree, his disciplinary problems, his disappointment about not getting promotion and his entire incapability to marry a young and ambitious girl.
Chapter #: 06
26.  How did Mr. Chips change after his marriage with Katherine ?
a.       She changed his entire life. He turned into a new man. His eyes gained sparkle. His humour became rich and his discipline improved. He became popular among the students.
27.  What jokes did Chips make about the Patricians and Plebians ?
a.       Mr. Chips used to say, “You see, if Ms. Plebs wanted Mr. Patricians to marry her and he said he could not, she probably replied: oh, yes you can liar”
28.  How did the Soccer match between the boys from Mission School and the boys of Brookfield Public School go ?
a.       The popular boys arrived, played soccer match against the Brookfield boys and were honourably lost.They were shown over the school. Then they met the Head and had high tea. Chips saw them off at the railway station in the evening.
Chapter #: 07
29.  What did Chips remember about Dunster ?
a.       Dunster put a rat in the organ-loft while old Ogilvie was taking choir-practice.
30.  Why could Chips not write a book of his memories ?
a.       Chips could not write a book of his memories because writing tired him both mentally and physically. Also his memories lost much of their taste when they were written down.
Chapter #: 08
31.  What was the April foolery happened to him ?
a.       He was standing at his desk. Someone told him about some letters. All the letters were addressed by his name. when he opened them, he found blank sheets in all letters.
32.  When did Katherine and her newly born child die ?
a.       On 1st April 1898, Katherine and her newly born child died.
Chapter #: 09
33.  What was Chips’ opinion about Boers?
a.       Mr. Chips was neither against nor favoured them. He believed that Boers had resemblance with English History Book Heroes.
34.  How did Chips change after his wife’s death?
a.       Katherine’s death had greatly affected Mr. Chips. He became suddenly a kind of man whom the boys began to call old.
35.  Who was Naylor?
a.       Naylor was the first boy who called him old when he was fifty.
36.  Describe the verifying glance of Chips and what was special about it?
a.       His glasses slipped down the nose. His eyebrows were lifted, one a little higher than the other. He looked in a half reflective and half inspecting manner. This was the verifying glance of Chips.

Chapter #: 10
37.  What do you know about Ralston?
a.       He was thirty-seven when he took office. He had a personality that could reduce the Big Hall to silence by merc lifting of an eye-brow. He was ruthless, ambitious, energetic and a fine power-transmitter. He raised the status of Brookfield.
38.  What duty was assigned to the boys of Brookfield when the railway men were on strike?
a.       The railway men were on strike. The soldiers were driving the engines. Stones were being thrown at trains. The boys of Brookfield were asked to guard the railway line.
39.  What story went round about Mr. Chips and Jones?
a.       The story went round that Mr. Chips was talking in a friendly manner to one of the strikers named Mr. Jones.
40.  What did Chips remember about the Diamond Jubilee of England ?
a.       On the day of Diamond Jubilee of England (1897), there was a holiday at Brookfield. He took Katherine to London to see the procession. There, was Queen Victoria sitting in the carriage like a crumbling wooden doll.
41.  What was the news about Grayson ?
a.       Grayson was a student of Mr. Chips. His father had sailed on the Titanic. He was worried about the fate of his father. Next day the news came that his father was one of those who had survived. He assused Mr. Chips that he could teach till hundred years of his age and he is an essentiol part of Brookfield.
Chapter #: 11
42.  How did Chips think himself protected from Ralston?
a.       He felt himself sufficiently protected by age and seniority from the fate of other masters whom Ralston did not like.
43.  What allegation (accusations) did Ralston put on Chips?
a.       Ralston said that Chips’ methods of teaching were old and lazy.  His personal habits were slovenly. His pronunciation was old. He blamed him that he ignored his instructions.
44.  How did the people come to know about the quarrel between Ralston and Chips?
a.       A small boy, who was waiting to see Ralston, heard the entire row between the two. He told his friends about it and the boys conveyed the news to their parents. Soon the news spread around.
45.  Who was the chairman of Governors and how did he treat Chips after the row between Ralston and Chips ?
a.       Sir John Rivers was the chairman of  the Governors. He visited Brookfield. He ignored Ralston and went direct to Chips.
Chapter #: 12
46.  What happened to Chips in 1913 ?
a.       In 1913 Chips had bronchitis and was off duty for nearly the winter term. This made him decide to resign. He was sixty five at that time.
47.  What did Chips say in his farewell speech ?
a.       In the speech, he made many little jokes. There were several Latin quotations in it. There was also a comic reference to the Captain of the School who had overstated.
48.  What was the duty of the lamp boy ?
a.       In the absence of electric lights, it was the duty of the lamp boy to clean, trim and light the lamps throughout the school.
49.  Why was the big Hall of Brookfield turned into ahospitalward ?
a.       In 1880, there spread German measles.The two third students suffered from it. So the big Hall of Brookfield was turned into a hospital wad.

Chapter #: 13
50.  Why did Chips rejoin Brookfield ?
a.       During the war years many of the young teachers joined army. The substitutes were not competent enough to manage the classes. So, Chatteris requested Chips to rejoin Brookfield.
Chapter #: 14
51.  What is rissole? What did Chips say about it ?
a.       Rissole was a cake made of minced meat. It was served on Monday Chips called it “abhorrendum” meat to be abhorred.
52.  What did Chips say about the bayonet practice ?
a.       Chips did not like bayonet practice. He called it a vulgar practice of killing people.
Chapter #: 15
53.  What happened when Mr. Chips was talking class and bombing started ? How did Chips conduct his class during the shelling around Brookfield ?
a.       Mr. Chips was taking his lower fourth when bombing started.He continued his teaching and found an old tag to illustrate the present condition. Students were amused the story went round.
Chapter #: 16
54.  When did Chips prepare his will ? What was the will ?
a.       In 1930, Chips made his will. Except the legacies to the mission and to Mrs. Wicket, he left all he had to found an open entrance scholarship to the School.
Chapter #: 17
55.  Narrate, in your own words, the chips” meeting with Linford ?
a.       Linford was sent to Chips for a joke. Chips gave him tea and chatted with him. They talked of Shropshire, and of school life in general. Linford said “good-bye, Mr. Chips” when was about to leave.
56.  Write a note on chips humour, / why was chips called a jester?
a.       Chips had a keen sense of humour. He made his classes interesting with his humorous remarks. Everybody waited for his new jokes. He was considered a great jester. After marriage,  his humour matured.
Chapter #: 18
57.  How did Chips react to the remarks of  Mr. Cartwight about his being issueless ?
a.       When Mr. Cartwight remarked that Chips was issueless, Chips said that he had thousands of children and they were all boys.
58.  How did Chips die? / Write a note on Chips’ death.
a.       Chips was not in his senses. He remembered Katherine and many of his students. Then he breathed his last and closed his eyes forever.
59.  Describe Mr. Chips as a teacher.
a.       Chips was not a very brilliant. His method of teaching was old. In the beginning, he could not keep discipline but then he improved it to a great extent. He was a devoted teacher. He loved his profession. He was very popular with the students.
60.  Who was chattris and how did he die ?
a.       Ans
61.  When and how did Meldrum die and who became the acting head of Brookfield.
a.        Ans
62.  Who made the brilliant centuary ?

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